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I am rapidly approaching your location

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 9:27 pm
by dazzlingdragon

Name's Dazzle, I've been a part of the furry community for four~ years and a dragon fanatic most my life. Here to connect with like-minded people in the old-school forum space. The vibes here are positively :sparkle: refreshing :sparkle:

I'm a semi-professional artist- dragons are my primary focus but I also do a lot of figure drawing, horror, and less-dragony OC content. I'm ace, a proud mother to two cats, and lucky enough to have found a lovely long-distance partner ^^

Sooo anyhooow, hi :D Hope I get to meet a lot of lovely folks

Re: I am rapidly approaching your location

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 9:30 pm
by Neververy4
Wwlcome! Thanks for dropping in, I hope you enjoy my small Dragon Forum :heart_purple: :dr_neververy4: There are a lot of Dragons here, so finding more Dragon friends shouldn't be hard :heart_blue:

Re: I am rapidly approaching your location

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 9:40 pm
by Falcon

Re: I am rapidly approaching your location

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 10:34 pm
by dragonkisser69
it's wonderful to have you here!! :sparkle: :heart_purple:

Re: I am rapidly approaching your location

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 10:42 pm
by pheelthemoment
welcome to the forums!!!