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Pick a dragoney power

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Re: Pick a dragoney power

Post by Falcon »

synthcrow wrote: August 17th, 2023, 3:21 pm
Falcon wrote: August 17th, 2023, 1:41 pm Oooo what is a megaflare
It's bahamut finalfantasy's (a recurring dragon summon) iconic attack, usually depicted as some sort of beam attack.
oh nice!
:heart_pink: :dr_green: he/him funky dragon himbo dude with did :dr_green: :heart_pink:
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Post by IgneousCroc »

Oh by my scales, I'm gonna pick smarts. I'm already a shapeshifting dragon, I just need the thinkpan to get through my master's thesis :pensive:
:aro: this dragon :dr_green: runs on ginger ale :ace:

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Post by dazzlingdragon »

There are all sorts of myth and legends about dragons taking on the shapes of people or animals. Shapeshifting’s usually my answer when people ask what superpower I want because with a flexible-enough flavor thereof, I can achieve so many other powers (flight, strength, speed, etc.), I think that answer can be applicable to here.

I suppose that puts me in “magic” or “other” ^^
:star: I'm Dazzling :star: | mixed media artist | :heart_yellow: :heart_purple: :heart_lime: :rainbow: | :star: https://dazzlingdragonstudios.com/ :star:

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Post by SapphireRaeburn »

Flight. Ever since I was little I always dreamed of flying, and as an adult I still cherish the flying dreams I rarely still get. The freedom, the places I could see, feeling the wind, riding the ups and downs, just closing my eyes and feeling the movements as I'm high above everything without fear of hitting anything.

My dragon self is often portrayed as flightless, with the rare ability of using magic at super rare times to create wings and fly. But even for her, flight is something that she desires.

If not flight, I'd totally take fire breath or ice breath! Both have awesome uses. Fire for scaring jerks, cooking food, and keeping warm. Ice for stopping things from falling, cooling down, and turning a liquid to a solid in case of needing to cross or something.
~Sapphire or SapphireRae. She/Her. Dorky noodle dragon who arts sometimes and writes more often. h0i!

Some of my fav Dragon Cave babies:

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