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Question: how would month long drawing events like Smaugust be posted?

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Question: how would month long drawing events like Smaugust be posted?

Post by WyvereWings »

I'm working on a project for Smaugust, and it's gonna involve multiple pieces of art getting posted, but I'm not really sure how they'd be posted? Like should I post all the art at once or can I post it in a single thread which I update over time?
Last edited by WyvereWings on August 4th, 2023, 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dzamie »

Personally, I'd make one thread for it and just update it as I please.
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Post by Neververy4 »

Good Question :exclaim: :smile:
Yeah I think that works :) Make a new thread just for your Smagust 2023, and others can also make their own if they're also partaking in it. For now I think START/CREATIVE WORKS/DRAWING is the best place for that, but maybe if we get a lot of artists who wanna do monthly themed art stuff like that, I can always make a dedicated section for it and move them all there (I can move topics and forums wherever and whenever (:< )
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